The First of our Limited Editions to arrive in June is the Mothers Day LE available as Horse, Furb, Chihauhau or Dachshund

The Second of our Limited Editions for June is the Fathers Day LE also available as Horse, Furb, Chihauhau or Dachshund

The Latest Limited Editions Celebrated the Coronation of King Charles III. There are LE Horses Furbs and Dogs, This LE also introduced the Shire horse to Teulu Breedables.

The Teulu Bunch are here, our first post by the Teulu Photographer Belladona Aeon

Teulu Dogs Available NOW
Ruff Ruff OMG Did you hear that Its Teulu Dogs we have Chihuahuas and Dachshunds to start your breeding off its Starter Packs They’re at the Main Sim in the Teulu Dog Store Available NOW !!!

OMG Our New Dachshund now released at our new main store!

New Uber Collection called Bitsa, which was designed by Rodders21

OMG There finally here our new Animesh Dogs so go and grab yours t the new dog main store or one-off out affiliates stores

We now have new Furb Starter Coats, Blueberry, Caramel, Double Choc, Greenleaf and Lemon Biscuits

We have new Starter Coats for our Teulu Horses Pewbald coats, Charcoal, Blueberry, Brown , Green and Purple

Horse Valentine Limited Edition for 2023

OMG It’s now our Furb 3rd Birthday and we have some lovely LE’s to collect

Furb Valentine Limited Edition for 2023

The new Bengal Tiger coat which you get by breeding two spots together 🙂

RFL Charity is something we did every year to help support cancer patients and their families awesome new coats awesome new coats

RFL Charity is something we did every year to help support cancer patients and their families awesome new coats

Our Beloved Queen Elizabeth 2nd died on the 8th September 2022 age 96, she reigned for over 70 yrs the long British Monarchy in History… R.I.P
This was a gift to the main group Only and none breedable!!!

Halloween Coats for Furbs and Horses 2022

New 3rd Gen Coat and Eye that has dropped today its at Fxy Ranch Breed: Glyndwr Merlyn (Kings Pony)

OMG OMG OMG ITS PINK MANES AND TAILS !!!!!!!!! BETTER GET THEM NOW !!!! Breed: Glyndwr Ceffyl (Kings Horse)